Sunday, May 4, 2008

Living with less...last day

Well it is the last day of our living with less challenge and the truth is we sort of fell apart at the end. It all started when my friend sent me this email about a company that is selling makeup and each item is only $1. The way I looked at it was that it wasn't frivolous as I needed some new makeup any way and in the end I was saving money. Then came the Hickey Freeman sample sale. As some of you may know, Patrick will be starting a new job in September and some of his suits are a little worse for the wear and tear. I couldn't find him any new suits, but I got him a 100% cashmere overcoat for a song. I mean really-100% cashmere. I would have been an idiot to pass that up. His other coat was practically threadbare so I justified it by saying that it was an essential. But then last night I was so tired after work and we didn't have one single vegetable left in the house so we ordered Thai food. I mean technically we didn't eat out right? Today I was supposed to run a 5k in Newark but we decided that walking to brunch would be good exercise so we are doing that instead. All in all I think we were much less wasteful. I spent $100 less at the grocery store this past week and we didn't have any food leftover. We will not be using paper towels any longer and we both agreed that we liked the quiet of not always having the TV going. We will eat dinner at the dining room table from now on (unless the Red Sox are on) and will continue to be more frugal with our electricity. Although we didn't score 100% it was a valuable exercise in scaling back.

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