Thursday, March 20, 2008

Organic vs Conventional

All - I found a list online of 43 different fruits and vegetables in order of toxicity. It is interesting - I never knew that peaches were ranked #1 and therefore if you're going to buy anything organic it should be peaches. The least toxic are onions, buy conventional!

Below is the link to the rankings of all 43.
The top 10 most toxic fruits and veggies (along with their scores) are:

1. Peaches 100 (highest pesticide load)
2. Apples 96
3. Sweet Bell Peppers 86
4. Celery 85
5. Nectarines 84
6. Strawberries 83
7. Cherries 75
8. Lettuce 69
9. Grapes - Imported 68
10. Pears

1 comment:

megan o said...

This is great news. I will never buy another $3 organic avacado again. For real- I just paid that much for an avacado at whole foods the other day.