Monday, September 29, 2008

Two GREAT websites

Tara I turned me on to both of these and they are great: - the best part: free and fast shipping! I compared the price of my pampers from babies r us and; babies was about a dollar cheaper but you've got to drive to babies r us and of course, actually go inside. yuck.
There is an ad running on Facebook - put FACE in the promo code spot and you get $10 off of your first order. - get your groceries delivered :) I havent actually used this yet but I checked it out and they have a huge selection and deliver very quickly - next day. Tara has used and loves it...
She spoke to them and if you type peapod1 in the promo code you get $15 off of your first order and $5 off of your next 4 orders - can't beat it. For those of you who live elsewhere this may not seem like a big deal but this is huge for us :)

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