Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Scary article on NJ Vaccine Mandates

Deirdre Imus Calls for Public to Get Involved on New Jersey Vaccine Mandates Children’s health advocate says mercury-containing vaccines should not be forced on our children.
New York, NY, December 24, 2007 – In an appearance on the "Imus in the Morning Show" (12/14/07), children’s health advocate, best-selling author and civic leader Deirdre Imus urged the audience to contact New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine to encourage him to stop newly recommended vaccine mandates approved on December 10th by the Public Health Council.
“The Governor’s Public Health Council, made a very, very bad mistake by mandating these vaccines,” said Mrs. Imus. “New Jersey will be the first state in the entire world to require annual flu shots for children in preschool and day care facilities. Ninety percent of the influenza vaccine supply still contains thimerosal, a potent developmental neurotoxin.”
NJ Health Commissioner Fred Jacobs approved the Council’s recommendation on Friday, December 15. The new mandates would also require a pneumococcal vaccine for preschoolers, a whooping cough booster shot for sixth-graders, and the meningitis vaccines for school children as young as 11. Sanofi’s Menactra meningococcal vaccine is thimerosal-free and currently recommended for children between 11-12 years old. However, the FDA and the CDC are investigating cases of Guillain-BarrĂ© syndrome (GBS) among adolescents who received this vaccine. A larger study led by Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare is expected to take approximately two years. According to the CDC, “The study period is necessary to accumulate cases and attain sufficient statistical power.”( The recommended acceptable alternative is Sanofi’s Menomune, which contains 25 micrograms of thimerosal, thus adding to the overall body burden of one of the most toxic metals on earth.
Link to full article (think you have to copy and paste into a new browser):


mimikendu said...

I will be giving the corzine office my 2 cents for sure.

megan o said...
