Friday, June 27, 2008

Bottle Exchange at Babies R Us

So I found this out two weeks too late - I just chucked bag loads of baby bottles. NJ is issuing a bottle recall of all baby bottles that contain BPA (see earlier post on this issue). Bring all your old Dr Browns, even flo, etc etc and exchange them for Born Free or other brands that are BPA free. Your bottles can be from your 6 year old and you can turn them in for brand new ones. You do have to pay the price difference between the bottles if there is one. I guess up until two weeks ago we could have gotten store credit.
If you don't need new bottles do it anyway and give them away when friends have babies!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Reminder - Denim etc party

All - just a reminder that Thursday is Courtenay's Denim, Pocketbook, Jewelry etc party... It should be a fun girl's night out, fun shopping for a great cause. Its of the details in an earlier post below, all are welcome!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Warning of purse snatchers in Wegmans, BJs etc

I rec'd this email - everyone should just be careful while shopping. I will never again load the kids and then return the cart...too many freaks out there.

I'm passing along a letter my girlfriend Melanie sent out in reference to her purse being stolen from BJs in Ocean Twp (NJ) last Thursday (6/12/08). I know some of you don't live in Jersey , but apparently this is the new thing (read her story). I know Melanie mentions not taking your purse into stores, but I'd be more afraid of leaving it in the car. I'm as guilty as the next person with putting the kids and my purse in the running car, putting the groceries in and then walking away to return the cart. Well, no more of that. This happened on Thursday and then again on Friday morning at Wegmans (also Ocean Twp). It's not just in Ocean, it's all over. Brian has said that Neptune 's had a couple of those incidences at the Quick Check and I've read it a few time lately in the paper. One thing I know for sure, I'll never go shopping at night alone again, unless it's an emergency. Or, I'll go to Shop Rite in Neptune and have the officer working (one there every night) walk me out. Please pass this info on to others, especially women. Stay safe and WATCH YOUR EVERY MOVE. These assholes obviously aren't just looking to rob or kill someone at night anymore. Now, broad daylight, people around and these braising ass' will do anything for a few bucks. Oh, and Melanie's guy only got $4. She hadn't gone to the bank yet that day. All that for $4. Thank God it was only the car window and her purse and not her. If you don't feel comfortable leaving a store, go back in and ask someone to come outside with you. Just PLEASE BE CAREFUL.

Last week, at 2:30 in the afternoon, on a sunny day, my car window was smashed and my purse was stolen from my car. The short version is this: a man approached me as I was loading my items into the passenger seat of my car and asked if he could have my cart. I said yes of course, who wants to push that thing back to the corral. He then told me that I my receipt had blown away and that someone had it at the front door (perfectly rational as I was at BJs in Ocean Twp. and they have the "doorman"). As I rounded my car to get my keys, he followed me. I reached in, grabbed my keys and walked back inside. As I turned around, I saw him walking (yes WALKING!) away with my purse and my passenger window smashed. The police came and in hindsight, although it totally sucks to make the calls and do the running around it takes to replace the necessities in my bag (drivers license, bank accounts, etc.) I did the right thing - got away. This guy thought nothing of smashing in my window in the middle of the day, would he have thought twice about smashing my head in? I'll never know. But here is the thing - NO ONE in the parking lot - and there were a solid 15 - did anything to attempt to stop or catch him. No one yelled or called 911. This man walked over to a waiting car and no one got the license plate number. And I have since found out that similiar incidents have been happening at other stores in the area. They are watching woman walk to their cars, and as they are loading the packages into the car, are either stealing their handbags out of the shopping carts or open car doors/windows. Here is my advice - DO NOT take your purse or bag into the store - if at all possible, slip your credit card or cash into your pocket - either stash your purse in the car BEFORE you get to the store or leave it in your trunk - remember that they are watching people - so don't put it there when you are in the parking lot. Keep your keys and cell phone in your pocket. And keep your eyes out for each other - don't try to physically assist someone - but get out that cell phone - and we all have them - call 911, push the panic button on your car alarm and yell.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Your latest favorite thing that doesn't break the bank :)

Hi there. I thought this might be a fun post. It's not green nor does it take much thinking :) it's about products. Cosmetics, perfume, hair products etc whatever you feel fits in here. I just know I love when I have a friend that turns me onto something new that might help make me look 10 yrs younger (still haven't found that one product yet so please do share if you have the secret) :) or smell a yummy perfume or oil or even a lipgloss that stays on but, mositurizes..whatever. Also, it even could be something that you found on your own or have been using successfully, loving for years and would never think of switching on. I have a few things I use always but, in the last 6 months I came across 2 things that are now my mixed in with my favorites.
Having 3 boys and one of them being 11 weeks old I'm not sleeping much (oh and add that I'm 40 now) I just look sooo tired. That intro leads me to my latest purchase it's a liquid highlighter that I found at Beauty Plus in Belmar. I had no idea they were even still open and they definitely are and they have some really good stuff now. It's called EMANI Professional - Flex Minerals Liquid Highlighter to be exact. It's a faint shade of pink that you can mix with your moisturizer or your foundation to give your skin a healthy glow. It's not glittery it just looks real and healthy. I always wondered how the stars skin always have that glow and I assumed dermabrasion but, it could be this :). It was about $16 and worth it. So if anyone has something that they want to share please do it's always fun to see what other people love or swear by. :)

My Bookclub

Hi all. A few months back a few of us up here in Hoboken started a little bookclub. So far we have read 'The Book Thief' by Marcus Zusak, 'The Glass Castle' by Jeanette Walls, and 'Into the Wild' by Jon Krakauer. Our latest read, 'The Omnivore's Dilemma' by Michael Pollan is going to be discussed on Tuesday, July 22nd. It is non-fiction and is about the history of our food and the ramifications (physical, environmental, and even spiritual) of our current methods of obtaining and producing the foods we eat. I have already started it and it is really interesting. It sounds like a totally boring topic, but the author somehow manages to weave it like a story to keep it from reading like homework. If anyone wants to read along and post comments, I would love to share them at our next meeting.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Benefit for the Marks Family

On Sunday, July 13 from 4:30 to 8:30, a Benefit Cocktail Party will be held at the Spring Lake Manor to commemorate Randy Marks' 41st Birthday. Proceeds will aid the memorial fund established to provide for Randy's wife, Susan, and their six young children. Entertainment donated by The Pat Roddy Band, Chikaboom, Billy Lawlor and other special guests. Food, drink, and more... including gift baskets in a combination Silent Auction & Raffle. The donation, which includes two free drinks courtesy of The Spring Lake Manor, is $50 per person ($60 at the door) payable to the "Keeping the Faith Foundation". Please send checks to: C/O Tom & Anne Considine, 1084 Hawthorne Parkway, Spring Lake Heights, NJ 07762 Please indicate with your check the names of those attending the event. For more information, or if you are interested in donating a Gift Basket or items for a basket, please call Anne Considine @ 732 974 7509, or via e-mail .>

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Olive Oil Tasting Party

I'm bringing the olive oil to Manasquan!

My bother and sister-in-law are being kind enough to host an olive oil party. You'll be able to savor the best olive oils and balsamic vinegars from around the world. I will be preparing dishes made with our oils and vinegars.

I promise it will be a lot of fun. Bring spouses, bring friends. Drinks by the pool if weather permmits.

Here's the info:

Friday, June 27
7:00 pm

Please Mercedes for more information at


Monday, June 16, 2008

A Taste of the Old World

Olive Oil... It's been called "liquid gold" and my family eats, breathes and even bathes in it. Never in a million years would I have believed that my life would lead me to selling olive oil. Most people think we're crazy to do what we're doing, but you see there's so much behind it all. I wouldn't change my life for the world.

Ten years ago my husband Chris and I were dating when we decided to go backpacking through Spain in account that tickets to Spain were only $300 round trip, as opposed to the $600 tickets to California, which was were I originally wanted to go. Remember those days? Well, am I ever glad we never went to California.

At the time Chris was going to law school and had met someone who knew someone about a house being rented somewhere in the middle of Spain. Well, we had never been to Spain before and we were told the house was somewhere deep in the heart of southern Spain on some remote mountain range. All we had was a rough description of a four hour drive through the country and the name of a person to find once we got to town... for the keys, of course. Well, we were thrilled!

Our journey to where we are now began with that very first trip. As we drove through Spain we came upon some incredible sights. First the incredible city that is Madrid, then the beautiful flat lands as we headed south and finally we hit the Sierra Morenas, the rugged mountains that mark the entrance to a very hot and fertile part of the country.

As we got closer to our destination we noticed small twisted looking trees... thousands and thousands of them as far as the eye could see. We drove for miles and we thought they would never end. I had to stop and take a look at what these farmers were growing. I remember getting out of the car and hoping someone wouldn't decide to take a shot at me for picking his crop. I looked back at Chris and with an incredulous look on my face I yelled, "They're olives!"

And that was the beginning... We have yet to visit California.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Alex's Lemonade Stand

All - this is an email that is circulating - this Saturday is the Lemonade Stand, please make time for it - see below for details!
Hi Guys, I am sending this email out as I know you all have a good email list and network of local people who might be interested in showing some support for local folks in need. Below is an email excerpt I got from a good friend Denis Smith From Spring Lake who's Daughter has been battling Cancer over the past year or so. Let's circulate this around and see what kind of support we can gather to stop by their lemonade stand on Saturday. I plan to bring my kids by. I also think it is a great way to show kids how to give back to their community and those in need. Spread the word. I am glad he asked. Lets blow them away with spreading the word as far as possible. Thanks, Chris
On a side note, I need you and the family to stop by the corner of 4th and Worthington Aves. (Spring Lake) this coming Saturday for a glass of lemonade from our lemonade stand. It will be an Alex’s Lemonade Stand. Here’s the story…A child named Alex Scott was four years old in 2000 when she decided to have a lemonade stand in her front yard to raise money to “help her doctors” find a cure for kids with cancer. She had the same type of cancer as Bridget and lost the battle in 2004. Her legacy lives on in many ways…none as much as helping me put travel soccer in perspective. I need a dose of this stuff every once in awhile. I’ve attached the link to her site below. Tell as many people you can think of to stop by our house on Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Thanks…

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Jeans etc Party

My sis-in-law Courtenay is having a jeans, accessories etc party on Thurs, June 26 at 7:00 pm. Below are the details. The more the merrier so please spread the word, a portion of the proceeds will go to the Marks Children Fund.
Please let me or Court know if you want to come by the 20th so she can plan the inventory.

Please join us for a girls night with kate spade, fendi, coach, rock the republic, seven for mankind and chanel to name a few. bags, shoes, sunglasses, jeans and other accessories!
cash and checks only

Thurs, June 26th at 7 pm
705 Brooklyn Blvd, Sea Girt